The Dickey Center Manuscript Review Program is open to all eligible Dartmouth faculty (except during the academic year in which they are up for tenure or promotion) with manuscripts that are near completion, yet still in a position to benefit from peer review and comment.
For works that fall outside of the Dickey Center's focus areas of international, policy-relevant works, we are happy to help guide faculty to potential support elsewhere on campus. The Leslie Center for the Humanities, for example, considers hosting a diversity of works within the humanities. The Rockefeller Center for Public Policy also hosts selected reviews.
Manuscripts selected for participation in the review program are copied and distributed to specified Dartmouth faculty and two external reviewers identified by the author. The Dickey Center then arranges a Manuscript Review Seminar in which all readers gather to discuss the work and assist the author in developing strategies for the manuscript's improvement and possible placement for publication.
The Dickey Center covers all costs for each manuscript review selected for the program, including copying and distribution of the author's manuscript for review as well as travel, accommodations, and honoraria for the two external reviewers. The Dickey Center also hosts a dinner for reviewers following the seminar.
Please complete the form below or click here to request a manuscript review through the Dickey Center.
For questions about the Manuscript Review Program, please contact Melody Brown Burkins.