Dickey Center Internships

Global Health Internship

The Global Health Internship engages students in frontline global health work with our partners around the world. Interns apply knowledge and skills to real world health challenges while building research and programmatic skills. Learn more

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Stefansson Fellowship

The Stefansson Fellowship is an opportunity for students interested in Arctic Studies who would like to either work with the Institute of Arctic Studies on a current project or create an Arctic project of their own with a faculty member or partnered organization. Learn more

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Study at Ilisimatusarfik (the University of Greenland). Our Dartmouth-Greenland off-term opportunity remains at the heart of our commitment to expanding mutual understanding between Dartmouth and Greenland. Learn more

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Dartmouth-McGill Arctic Research

The Dartmouth-McGill partnered internship is a continuously-evolving opportunity that offers new and exciting insights into Arctic research in a structured setting. Students have the opportunity to contribute to an Arctic science study, regardless of background or experience, with researchers at Dartmouth College and McGill University in Canada. Learn more

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Davis Projects for Peace

A global program that awards young student leaders a $10,000 grant to implement an innovative, community-centered, and scalable response to a pressing issue anywhere in the world, typically over a summer break. Learn more

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