The Institute of Arctic Studies will miss a faithful supporter, Senior Fellow, and former acting director Weyman (Wey) Lundquist who died May 19, 2019 in San Francisco. Wey graduated from Dartmouth in 1952 and Harvard Law School in 1955. He led a distinguished legal career and was a passionate voice for environmental protection, especially for the Arctic. Early in his public service Wey was appointed Assistant U.S. Attorney in Alaska in 1961 and travelled the state meeting and representing people from small communities to urban centers where he learned about the environmental, social, and economic challenges facing Alaska shortly after achieving statehood. Wey never lost his love of the Arctic and its peoples and became a dedicated supporter and participant in the activities of the Dickey Center and its Institute of Arctic Studies. Wey was an important leader in bringing together the U.S. and Soviet legal communities in the 1980s for a series of conferences and dialogues to foster better relationships. He also taught occasional courses on environmental law for the Environmental Studies Program. The Weyman Lundquist papers (1910-2009) are housed in the Rauner Special Collections Library. Valley News Obituary.
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