War & Peace Fellows Meet With Sasha Baker '05 at The Pentagon

The acting undersecretary of defense for policy hosted a question-and-answer session on defense policy for the War & Peace Fellows during their visit to DC over spring break.


War and Peace Fellows with Sasha Baker '05, Acting Undersecretary of Defense for Policy, at The Pentagon
War and Peace Fellows with Sasha Baker '05, Acting Undersecretary of Defense for Policy, at The Pentagon

16 War & Peace Fellows had the chance for a one-hour Q&A with Sasha Baker '05, acting undersecretary of defense for policy. This was part of a three-hour introduction to Defense Department priorities, programs and careers.

The Q&A covered a broad range of topics, including foreign policy, how to start a career in Washington, and Baker's personal philosophy on leadership and mentorship. 

Read more about the visit here.