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The 2021 Stefansson Memorial Lecture
The 2021 Stefansson Memorial Lecture
The European Union’s Stronger Arctic Engagement
Guest speaker: MICHAEL MANN, Ambassador at Large, EU Special Envoy for Arctic matters
Welcome: Dr. Eduard Ariza, Director, CER- ARCTIC, the UAB Arctic Research Centre
Introductions: Dr. Melody B. Burkins, Director, Institute of Arctic Studies (IAS), Dartmouth College and Dr. Níels Einarsson, Director of the Stefansson Arctic Institute (SAI)
The 2021 Stefansson Memorial Lecture: The European Union’s Stronger Arctic Engagement
Wednesday 3 November 2021 | 10:00 – 11:00 | Sala d’Actes, Reunions i Juntes, Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). Capacity with current COVID-19 restrictions is about 50 persons, but the lecture will be recorded and available at
Mr. Michael Mann, EU Special Envoy for Arctic matters will explain the background to the European Union‘s engagement in Arctic matters and set out the main strands of the EU‘s updated Arctic policy, which was published on October 13, 2021.
Discussion with the audience. Moderator Dr. Níels Einarsson
11:00 – 11:30 Coffee and refreshments (UAB)
By invitation of the Stefansson Arctic Institute (SAI), Iceland, and the Institute of Arctic Studies (IAS), Dartmouth College.
Supported by the Evelyn Stefansson Nef Endowment. Hosted by the CER-ARCTIC, the Arctic Research Centre, the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). Co-sponsors, The Icelandic Arctic Cooperation Network; UArctic Thematic Network on Gender in the Arctic Knowledge Production; the EU H2020 JUSTNORTH project, and the Nordic Centre of Excellence ARCPATH project.
Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.