Kenkel on Scholz, Brazil in O Globo: "Germany Wants to Cooperate"


Kai Michael Kenkel, Distinguished Visiting Scholar at the Dartmouth Initiative for Global Security, was quoted in a January 30, 2023 article by André Duchiade in O Globo, the biggest daily newspaper in Brazil. 

Headlined, "Chancellor of Germany Meets With Lula With an Eye on Expanding Partnership and Sustainable Development," the article looks at Chancellor Olaf Scholz charm offensive as he attempts to reactivate a relationship with Brazil marked by promises, but which never reached its full potential. 

"Germany wants to cooperate. They want to make a contribution with technology, to the economy, and to the environment," said Kenkel, Associate Professor, Institute of International Relations and Director of the Center on Democracy and the Armed Forces at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. "In Germany, there is enormous relief for a return to normality in Brazil. In the German press it is said that, 'We have our partner back.' They are very happy to have someone in Brazil with whom they can talk sensibly."