Security-related Internships

Funding for Security-related Internships


The Initiative for Global Security at the Dickey Center offers funding up to $5500 for in-person internships and up to $1500 for remote internships for security-related internships.

Security-related encompasses a wide range of internships. Generally speaking if the internship is focused on peace or security or is with an institution that focuses on issues of peace and security it qualifies. Previously funded internships have been with the American Enterprise Institute, the Hudson Institute, and the Center for Strategic and International Studies. 

Applicants must be enrolled Dartmouth College undergraduates returning to campus for at least one term after completing the internship. Returning interns agree to participate in workshops or informational sessions related to internships. Following completion of the internship, students are required to submit a selection of photos from the experience and a 3-5 page report describing not only the kind of work done, but also something about the organizational host, the people with whom the intern worked, and how the experience was meaningful.

  • Fall 2024 deadline: Wednesday, July 24 by midnight


Click here to begin your application for a security-related internship. We are currently transitioning our application system and as a result the application may not be available. Please contact Tom Candon or Madeline Sawyer with questions. 


Please contact Tom Candon at the Dickey Center.